For each plant and plant part, at harvesting are important the following: the optimum moment of harvesting (which for the majority of plants or plant useful parts represents the anthesis or blossoming period when the vegetal material contains the maximum amount of extracts containing active principles) and the harvesting method (manual or mechanical seeking that the material preserve a maximum of extracts containing active principles). The primary processing comprises the technical operations by which the material is prepared, respectively the harvested vegetal material is stored, packed, labelled or subsequently processed (e.g. percolation). The primary processing supposes all the operations of conditioning, harvesting, drying, grinding by chopping (cutting), transport, sorting, performed by specialized equipment and through which the raw material is successively transformed, quantitative and qualitative, from the initial state S0 to a state of finished product SK. Were experimented the equipments needed to primary processing the medicinal and aromatic plants (plant cutting machine, inclined belt conveyor and cut plant sorter) as well as the percolator for obtaining of extracts containing active principles from these plants.