프로판 및 혼합냉매를 이용한 LNG 초저온 이원냉동시스템 냉동특성

The LNG plants consists of extraction process, pre treatment process, liquefied process and stored process in general. On this processes, the liquefied process is the most crytical process because of its huge energy consumption process. It makes the sweetened natural gas to less than -160℃ by two-stage cascade cryogenic cooling process by using propane and mixed gas refrigerant. In this paper, a basic design of the LNG BSU(bench scale unit) for the development of LNG liquefaction technology is presented. Also, the completed BSU is described and pre-commissioned for further testing. The studies shows the verification for simplified control scheme of real liequefaction plant. The ultimate goal of this study, the development of the commercial plant also try out the possibility of pre-inspection.