Fast Reactor with Indirect Cycle System of Supercritical CO{sub 2} Gas Turbine Plant

An attractive power generation system using supercritical carbon dioxide (C0{sub 2}) gas turbine{sup 1} has been studied because of high cycle thermal efficiency and potential compactness of the Balance Of Plant equipment due to the small-sized turbo machinery system. This paper deals with an indirect cycle system with a sodium-cooled reactor eliminating intermediate cooling system, and design study of reactor core, reactor structures, sodium-C0{sub 2} heat exchangers and arrangement of BOP equipment has been carried out. As a result of comparison with the conventional FBR system of steam turbine, a fast reactor with indirect cycle system of supercritical C0{sub 2} gas turbine is confirmed that it has a potential of decreasing the number of control rods, simplifying reactor cooling system, reducing construction cost and improving safety characteristics. Furthermore, a methodology of safety evaluation of sodium-C0{sub 2} reaction on the tube rupture event has been developed. The temperature of sodium-C0{sub 2} reaction has been preliminary evaluated under the adiabatic and equilibrium conditions. The temperature characteristics of neighboring tubes within a sodium-C0{sub 2} reaction jet have been studied and the mission time preventing the overheating tube rupture has been estimated. (authors)