Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) is a major problem facing hospitals. Infection prevention and control programs (PPI) are very important in hospitals as a measure of the quality of care as well as to protect patients, officers, visitors and families from the risk of contracting the infection due to being treated, on duty and visiting a hospital. This study purpose was to understand deeply about the implementation of preventive and control of Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) management at Ibnu Sina Islamic Hospital Padang. This research was descriptive with qualitative approach with the number of participants was 7 participants taken by purposive sampling. Data collection used in-depth interviews. Data analysis used Collaizi method. The results of this study identified four themes, namely the implementation of HAIs program has not been optimal, the HAIs implementation management is not optimal, the implementation of HAIs implementation is not optimal and obstacles in the implementation of HAIs. It’s needed to improve the quality of personnel by conducting inhouse training for all nurses in order to make them skillfull in the implementation of prevention and control Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs).     Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) merupakan masalah besar yang dihadapi rumah sakit. Program pencegahan dan pengendalian infeksi (PPI) sangat penting dilaksanakan dirumah sakit sebagai tolok ukur mutu pelayanan juga untuk melindungi pasien, petugas, pengunjung dan keluarga dari resiko tertularnya infeksi karena dirawat, bertugas dan berkunjung ke suatu rumah sakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan memahami lebih dalam tentang pelaksanaan manajemen pencegahan dan pengendalian Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) di Rumah Sakit Islam Ibnu Sina Padang. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jumlah partisipan sebanyak 7 partisipan yang diambil secara purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam (Indepth Interview). Analisis data menggunakan metode Collaizi. Hasil penelitian ini teridentifikasi 4 tema yaitu pelaksanaan program HAIs belum optimal, penerapan manajemen pelaksanaan HAIs belum optimal, hasil penerapan pelaksanaan HAIs belum optimal dan hambatan dalam pelaksanaan HAIs. Perlunya meningkatkan kualitas tenaga dengan mengadakan pelatihan bagi seluruh perawat supaya terlatih dalam pelaksanaan pencegahan dan pengendalian Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs).