images needshighnetwork bandwidth. Although wecan usegigabit Ethernet owingtothedevelopment ofnetwork Inthis paper, wepresent anlarge-scale stereo display wall device industry, westill needhigher bandwidth network to systemfortangible telemeeting usingprogrammabletransfer thehighresolution imagewhichcancoverthe graphics hardware. Fortangible telemeeting, itisimportantcubical largescreen environment, especially forstereo toprovide immersive display withhighresolution imageto display. Inthis paper, wepropose anewsystem forefficient cover upthefield ofviewandprovide tothelocal userthe large scale display. Fig.1showstheconceptual viewofour sameenvironment asthat ofremote site. Toachieve these, a proposed system. Fromthis figure, youcanseethat auser in highresolution imageneedsto be transmitted for local site canseearemote userandits actual environment in reconstruction ofremote world, anditshould bedisplayedoursystem. Itmakestheuserfeel asifs/he isactually atthat using alarge display. However, itishardtotransmit high remote site. Todothis, wefirst construct ahighresolution resolution imageinreal timeduetothelimit ofnetworkenvironmental map' forremote site inadvance (seeFig.2 bandwidth, andso we receive multiple imagesand foranexample environmental map)andthendisplay toeach reconstruct aremote world withreceived images inadvance.wallwith4 projectors inlargescreenenvironment. Then,weupdate onlyaspecific areawhereremote user However, we don'tneedtoupdatethewholeremote exists byreceiving lowresolution imageinreal-time. We environmental mapbecause itdoesn't change dynamically, synthesize thetransmitted imageto the existingexcept fortheareaaround theuser. Ifwecansegment the environmental mapofremote worldanddisplay itasa remote userfromacamera imageautomatically atreal-time, stereo image. Forthis, wedeveloped anewsystem which weonlyneedtosynthesize itinto theenvironmental map. supports GPU basedrealtimewarping, blending and .._ automatic feature extraction using machine vision technique. IndexTerms- large-scale display, GPU, stereo display
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