Structural Vulnerability Assessment of Community-Based Routing in Opportunistic Networks

Opportunistic networks enable mobile devices to communicate with each other through routes that are built dynamically, while messages are en route between the sender and the destination(s). The social structure and interaction of users of such devices dictate the performance of routing protocols in those networks. Community structures, commonly exhibited by social networks, is also observed in the encounter patterns in opportunistic networks and has an astounding impact in designing forwarding algorithms for such types of networks. In this paper, we explore the structural vulnerability of social-based forwarding and routing methods in opportunistic networks. In particular, we introduce Community Vulnerability Assessment (CVA), a new problem on assessing the performance reliability of opportunistic routing strategies in Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN) from a community structure point of view. Given a positive number k, CVA aims to find out the k most vulnerable devices in the network whose non-participation (due to out-of-service or permanent out-of-range) transforms the current network community structure to a totally different one. As the first study in this direction, we analyze and provide key insights into the separation of network communities, evaluated via the Normalized Mutual Information (NMI). Based on these findings, we suggest an approximation algorithm for the special case when k 1/4 1, and a heuristic, genEdge, for the general case. To certify the effectiveness of our proposed approaches, we first test them on synthesized data with known community structures, and then we show the impact of node removal on community structures in real social networks. Finally we evaluate the performance via different forwarding and routing strategies in multiple real-world DTN traces. Our results indicate that, in many forwarding and routing methods, the nonparticipation of only some important devices is significant enough to degrade the entire network's performance.

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