Rig and Gas Turbine Engine Testing of MI-CMC Combustor and Shroud Components

GE is continuing work on the development of Melt-Infiltrated Ceramic Matrix Composites (MI-CMC) for use in industrial gas turbine engine components. Long-term environmental degradation of test samples under realistic engine conditions is being determined using a unique high-pressure combustion rig apparatus. Rig testing is also being used to evaluate an F-class 1st stage shroud system incorporating an MI-CMC inner shroud component. While large, advanced engines, such as the F and H classes, offer the greatest benefits for using MI-CMC components, initial engine tests have been done using a GE-2 (2MW) machine to reduce costs and risk. Long term (1000 hours) engine testing results for single piece GE-2 shrouds are also described.Copyright © 2001 by ASME