Theoretical analysis of BER performance of OCDMA system using compact matched filter bank for an optical ZCZ sequence set

The optical zero-correlation zone (ZCZ) sequence set is a set of pairs of binary and bi-phase sequences with a zero-correlation zone, and can provide optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) systems without cochannel interference. We have proposed the construction of a compact-type matched filter bank for this sequence set. However, the OCDMA system using this filter bank might have reduced bit error rate (BER) performance because the input-output characteristics of this filter bank for this sequence set with the zero-correlation zone 4z — 2, z = 1, 2, … are nonlinear. In this paper, we clarify that the BER performance of the OCDMA system using a compact-type matched filter bank is not influenced by the nonlinear characteristics of this filter bank, using the theoretical formula of BER characteristics and computer simulation.