This document presents the Forth Worth Intelligent Transportation Systems (FWITS) Plan. The purpose of the plan is threefold: 1) integrate existing ITS features with new technologies; 2) coordinate scope and services of the national ITS architecture; and, 3) develop a link to the Dallas ITS Plan in order to provide a regional integrated system. After an introductory overview, the plan is presented in eight parts: 1) Existing status of traffic management in the Fort Worth metropolitan area; 2) Operations of the Fort Worth Transit Authority; 3) Priority mobility issues; 4) Issues and processes involving incident management; 5) Coordination with the Dallas subregion regarding ITS initiatives; 6) National ITS Architecture and the development of an architecture for Fort Worth; 7) Outline of the proposed FWITS Plan; and , 8) Summary of the benefits, costs timeframe, funding sources, and future direction for the Plan.