Overview of the Internet of Things Short Range Communication Technologies

Based on the Internet of Things new services our li ves of everyday changed a lot over the past few years. Smart cities, smart ho mes, e-health are not only exist in our imagination, but they are a reality now. The se new solutions are using hundreds or thousands of sensor devices which are c ollecting data. This huge amount of data needs to be stored for future proces sing and usage by intelligent IoT services. [1] Sensors and actuators have to use adequate network connection for the data transmission. These new sensor and actuator devices imply development of new communication technologies. Depending on the usage environment these technologies have not only advantages but disadvant ages, as well. Really important aspect is that these types of communicati on technologies are required to be interoperable with the well-known Internet ne twork standards like IPv4, IPv6. In the paper we give an overview and profound comparison of the most popular short range communication technologies (e.g. NFC, ZigBee, BT LE, 6LowPAN, RPL, CoAP, IEEE 1902.1, etc.) applied for IoT services and we identify the constraint aspects of the real time Ma chine to Machine (M2M) communication based on the Internet technologies ex isting currently. [2]