With advances in w ireless communicat ion and mobile posit ioning technolog ies, locat ion based mobile services have been gaining increasing ly popularity in recent y ears. Privacy pr eser vation, including locat ion privacy and query privacy , has recent ly received considerable attent ion for locat ion based mobile services. A lot of locat ion cloaking approaches have been proposed for protect ing the lo cat ion privacy o f mobile users. How ever, they most ly focus on anonymizing snapshot queries based on prox imity of locations at query issued t ime. Ther efore, most of them are ill suited for cont inuous queries. In v iew of the privacy disclosure ( including locat ion and query privacy) and poor quality o f serv ice under cont inuous query anonym ization, a p privacy model and a q distor tion model ar e proposed to balance the tr adeoff betw een privacy preserving and qual ity of serv ice. M eanwhile a tempo ral distort ion model is propo sed to measure the lo cat ion informat ion loss during a t ime interval, and it is mapped to a temporal sim ilar distance betw een tw o queries. F inally , a g reedy cloaking algo rithm ( GCA ) is proposed, w hich is applicable to both anonymizing snapshot queries and continuous queries. A ver age cloaking success rate, clo aking t ime, pro cessing t ime and anonymizat ion cost for successful requests are evaluated w ith increasing pr iv acy lev el ( k ) . Exper imental results validate the eff iciency and ef fectiveness of the pr opo sed alg orithm.