The VuFind implementation at Villanova University

Purpose – This case study seeks to document the experiences of Villanova University's Falvey Library staff as they developed and implemented the VuFind open source discovery tool for libraries. It aims to address the decision to hire a programmer for the library, the decision to make the VuFind software open source, and the library's development and implementation processes.Design/methodology/approach – The author interviewed, recorded, and corresponded with members of the library staff on multiple occasions over a five‐month period during the ramp‐up to, and just after, the launch of the new software. The paper is complemented by three podcasts created from the interview material that are available online.Findings – The creators of VuFind took a relatively informal approach to library software development. However, the resulting software has been well received, both by the library development community and Villanova University. Keys to this success were close attention to user expectations deriving from ...