도심재생 측면에서 본 고속철도 역세권 개발(계획) 분석
This study aims to find out the development strategy of high speed railway station areas in terms of city center regeneration. It consists of four parts. The first part of this paper reviews the concept and role of the high-speed railway station area in the city center. In addition, it includes the strategies of city center regeneration as a theoretical review. The second part is a case studies that analyzes the features of the six development cases with respect of four critical aspects like urban housing, mixed-use development, public transportation network, and open spaces in city center including pedestrian malls. The third part is a priority analysis above mentioned strategies in city center regeneration through the questionnaire. In particular, we take questions to three expert groups of urban planning fields: architect, urban planner, public official in urban planning. The last part is a synthesis of case studies and questions, which find out the crucial development strategies of the high speed railway station areas on city center for city center regeneration.