Cases with Symptoms of Pain, Swelling and Redness of Extremities, where the General Condition became Serious

Patients who had pain, swelling and redness of the extremities at the onset of disease and fell into a serious general condition, are reported in this paper.Case 1: a 53-year-old male. We observed marked thrombocytopenia, etc. and then the patient was strongly suspected to have had thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, and he died on the fifth day after the onset.Case 2: a 31-year-old male. We treated this patient with DIC from the early stage. We observed necrosis of skin and muscle in the right lower limb. He improved and was then discharged. The diagnosis was suspected purpura fluminans.Case 3: a 53-year-old male. Necrosis of the fascia and muscle developed and, he died on the 4th day after the onset due to complications of DIC. The diagnosis was suspected to be necrotizing fasciitis.The disorders which were diagnosed in these three cases are not common in the orthopedic field. However, knowledge of these disorders is necessary for orthopedic surgeons, because there is always the possibility that the symptoms will occur in the extremities.