India on the Cyber Learning Platform: An Insight about SWAYAM MOOC Platform
The sector of Education has over the last few years seen rapid advancements, with the inclusion of more technological methods. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have newly gained popularity and momentum as a modern method of learning due to its great progress in the academic community today. The great advancements in Information and Communication Technology ICT and internet, the increasing number of MOOC providers and the popularity of the fast emerging learning options have greatly impacted the gaining popularity of MOOC platforms in the present era. This study provides an insight into SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds), the first major Indian MOOC platform. This study reveals that highest number of courses available through SWAYAM platform is in the field of Engineering with 654 courses, followed by Arts and Recreation with 127 courses and Science with 93 courses. Regarding the collaborating institutions, IIT Madras is the leading provider with 205 courses, followed by IIT Kharagpur with 136 courses and IIT Bombay with 130 courses. Among the course-level categories, the highest number of courses is available in Undergraduate category which has 584 courses. Similarly the SWAYAM platform provides 307 Postgraduate courses, 47 School Courses, 29 Diploma Courses, 17 Certificate Courses and 03 Bridge Courses.