가상현실 프로그램이 감각이상이 있는 뇌졸중 환자의 균형능력에 미치는 영향
Purpose:The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of virtual reality(VR) program on standing balance in stroke with sensory deficit. Methods:Subjects were assigned randomly to either VR group (n=28) or the control group (n=31) when study began. Both groups were conducted electricity therapy, exercise therapy 5 times per week during six weeks, and a group who have VR group 3 times per week during six weeks. Both groups assessed for standing balance before and after virtual reality program. Results:In standing balance, the virtual reality program which have sensory deficit in stroke group, open eyes from the center area of the body and center line significantly reduced the training period(p<05). The virtual reality program to instantly move the weight through maximum voluntary safety limits to sensory deficit of virtual reality program(p<05). Conclusion:Stroke patients with sensory deficit affects the recovery of the standing balance, In addition, virtual reality program was stroke patients with sensory deficit affects the recovery of standing balance.