Traffic noise annoyance: a survey in Aarhus, Odense and Randers

In a questionnaire survey on road traffic noise 6151 questionnaires were sent out. 55 per cent were returned. The results show that traffic noise is not only a concern inside people's homes. Noise outdoors is also a source of annoyance. A clear relationship is found between noise levels and stated degree of annoyance, and dose-response relationships have been drawn. Correlation is also found between annoyance and the location of the bedroom towards or away from the road, and between annoyance and the type of dwelling of the respondent. No conclusion is drawn as to correlation between age and annoyance, and no correlation is found for gender, the presence of children in the household, car-ownership, the time the respondent spends at home, or the number of years the respondent has lived in the current dwelling. It is found that people have adapted the use of their home to the noise. 15 per cent are willing to contribute to paying for a significant noise reduction, and 75 per cent see it as the responsibility of the authorities. 60 per cent point to reductions in traffic volumes as a means of noise abatement and 40- 45 per cent point to reduced speed. 10% opt for noise barriers and 15 per cent for noise reducing windows.