Implementation and application of automata : 8th International Conference, CIAA 2003, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, July 16-18, 2003 : proceedings

Invited Lectures.- Automata for Specifying Component Interfaces.- Automata on Words.- Regular Papers.- Symbolic Synthesis of Finite-State Controllers for Request-Response Specifications.- Timing Parameter Characterization of Real-Time Systems.- Constructing Buchi Automata from Linear Temporal Logic Using Simulation Relations for Alternating Buchi Automata.- From Regular Weighted Expressions to Finite Automata.- Bideterministic Automata and Minimal Representations of Regular Languages.- Succinct Descriptions of Regular Languages with Binary ?-NFAs.- An Efficient Pre-determinization Algorithm.- Introducing Vaucanson.- WFSC - A New Weighted Finite State Compiler.- Ternary Directed Acyclic Word Graphs.- Running Time Complexity of Printing an Acyclic Automaton.- Reducing the Time Complexity of Testing for Local Threshold Testability.- Branching Automata with Costs - A Way of Reflecting Parallelism in Costs.- New Complexity Results for Some Linear Counting Problems Using Minimal Solutions to Linear Diophantine Equations.- TCTL Inevitability Analysis of Dense-Time Systems.- Conversation Protocols: A Formalism for Specification and Verification of Reactive Electronic Services.- Boolean Operations for Attribute-Element Constraints.- XML Schema Containment Checking Based on Semi-implicit Techniques.- Weak Minimization of DFA - An Algorithm and Applications.- Bag Automata and Stochastic Retrieval of Biomolecules in Solution.- An Optimal Algorithm for Maximum-Sum Segment and Its Application in Bioinformatics.- Robust Parsing Using Dynamic Programming.- LR Parsing for Global Index Languages (GILs).- The Ehrenfeucht-Mycielski Sequence.- Poster Paper.- The Longest Common Subsequence Problem A Finite Automata Approach.- AVA: An Applet for Visualizing FRACTRAN and Other Automata.- Preliminary Experiments in Hardcoding Finite Automata.- Computational Linguistic Motivations for a Finite-State Machine Hierarchy.- The Effect of Rewriting Regular Expressions on Their Accepting Automata.- Building Context-Sensitive Parsers from CF Grammars with Regular Control Language.- Finite-State Molecular Computing.