Visualization Techniques for the Integration of Rank Data.
In consumer preference studies, in Web-based meta-search or in
metaanalysis of microarray experiments, we are confronted with
ranked lists representing the same set of distinct objects. All
these applications have in common that one is interested in the
top-ranked objects with considerable overlap in their rankings
across the lists. This requires the estimation of the
truncation point beyond which the ordering of the objects is
dominated by noise. The point of degeneration into noise can be
obtained from an inference procedure due to Hall and Schimek
(2008) which even works for large or huge data sets. Before its
execution, it is essential to specify the distance parameter
delta. In this paper, graphical approaches for the
delta-choice, as well as for the integration of the top-ranked
objects, are introduced for the rst time. Finally, the new
graphical tools are applied to the integration of microarray
data from several experiments.