Comparing The Use Of A Graphical Programming Language To A Traditional Text Based Language To Learn Programming Concepts In A First Year Course

The research study sought to compare whether students can learn programming concepts using a graphical programming language instead of a text-based language. A small group of students was taught their first programming course using LabVIEW while the control group was using C/C++. One result showed that the C/C++ students (control group) had slightly better performance (10%) on equivalent final examination problems than the LabVIEW students. A second result showed that both groups of students performed equally in MATLAB programming exercises – their ‘second’ programming language. A third result compared the programming beliefs of the pilot and control groups with the instructors’ beliefs. The beliefs survey was administered at the beginning and end of the quarter. The pilot group of students exhibited a shift to more expert-like beliefs. This paper provides details about the processes and problems used in this investigation. The work described here began in early 2007 and was completed in 2008. This project was funded by the National Instruments Foundation.