A Study of Convulsants Under the Influence of Reserpine and α-Benzoylamino-β-(3Pyridyl) Acrylic Acid Piperidide
Summary The influence of reserpine and α-benzoylamino-β-(3 pyridyl) acrylic acid piperidide (BA3P) upon the response of mice to the convulsive action of 19 drugs has been investigated. Reserpine was found to facilitate tonic extensor seizures induced by COP, BA4P, caffeine, bulbocapnine, THBA, beme-gride, PM-1090, camphorimide, TMTH, nikethamide, Metrazol, IDCI, DMAA and IPBI. It did not affect the tonic extensor seizures induced by strychnine, 1757I.S., picrotoxin, DAPA, and hydralazine. BA3P produced (a) potentiation, (b) suppression, or (c) no affect toward convulsions induced respectively by (a) strychnine, 1757I.S., COP, BA4P, and picrotoxin; (b) hydralazine, PM-1090, camphorimide, TMTH, nikethamide, Metrazol, IDCI, and DMAA; and (c) DAPA, caffeine, bulbocapnine, THBA, bemegride and IPBI.