Secure Wireless Sensor Networks

[1]  Leila Ben Saad,et al.  Lifetime optimization of sensor-cloud systems , 2015, 2015 7th International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS).

[2]  Yang Xiao,et al.  PRDA: polynomial regression-based privacy-preserving data aggregation for wireless sensor networks , 2015, Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput..

[3]  Elisa Bertino,et al.  Secure Data Aggregation Technique for Wireless Sensor Networks in the Presence of Collusion Attacks , 2015, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.

[4]  Ke Wang,et al.  Rotation-based privacy-preserving data aggregation in wireless sensor networks , 2014, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC).

[5]  Mauro Conti,et al.  MOSES: Supporting and Enforcing Security Profiles on Smartphones , 2014, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.

[6]  Sushil Jajodia,et al.  Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks: Filtering out the Attacker's Impact , 2014, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security.

[7]  Liejun Wang,et al.  A Bloom Filter and Matrix-based Protocol for Detecting Node Replication Attack , 2014, J. Networks.

[8]  Lei Wang,et al.  Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation Scheme Based on the P-Function Set in Wireless Sensor Networks , 2014, Ad Hoc Sens. Wirel. Networks.

[9]  D. Bhattacharya Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks , 2014 .

[10]  Ivan Stojmenovic,et al.  Pairwise and Triple Key Distribution in Wireless Sensor Networks with Applications , 2013, IEEE Transactions on Computers.

[11]  Sanjay Kumar Madria,et al.  PIP: Privacy and Integrity Preserving Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks , 2013, 2013 IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems.

[12]  Sandro Etalle,et al.  Hybrid Static-Runtime Information Flow and Declassification Enforcement , 2013, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security.

[13]  R. Sathish,et al.  Dynamic Detection of Clone Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks , 2013, 2013 International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies.

[14]  Sushil Jajodia,et al.  Preserving privacy against external and internal threats in WSN data aggregation , 2013, Telecommun. Syst..

[15]  Xue Liu,et al.  PDA: Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation for Information Collection , 2011, TOSN.

[16]  Roberto Di Pietro,et al.  Events privacy in WSNs: A new model and its application , 2011, 2011 IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks.

[17]  Roberto Di Pietro,et al.  Time Warp: How Time Affects Privacy in LBSs , 2010, ICICS.

[18]  Sushil Jajodia,et al.  Localized Multicast: Efficient and Distributed Replica Detection in Large-Scale Sensor Networks , 2010, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.

[19]  Ghassan O. Karame,et al.  Integrity Regions: Authentication through Presence in Wireless Networks , 2006, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.

[20]  Sushil Jajodia,et al.  Secure median computation in wireless sensor networks , 2009, Ad Hoc Networks.

[21]  Sushil Jajodia,et al.  Securely computing an approximate median in wireless sensor networks , 2008, SecureComm.

[22]  Julinda Stefa,et al.  Routing in Outer Space , 2008, IEEE INFOCOM 2008 - The 27th Conference on Computer Communications.

[23]  Sencun Zhu,et al.  Towards event source unobservability with minimum network traffic in sensor networks , 2008, WiSec '08.

[24]  Salah A. Aly,et al.  Secure hop-by-hop aggregation of end-to-end concealed data in wireless sensor networks , 2008, IEEE INFOCOM Workshops 2008.

[25]  Claudio Soriente,et al.  Catch Me (If You Can): Data Survival in Unattended Sensor Networks , 2008, 2008 Sixth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom).

[26]  Qing Zhang,et al.  A Framework for Identifying Compromised Nodes in Wireless Sensor Networks , 2008, TSEC.

[27]  Nidal Nasser,et al.  Anonymous authentication and secure communication protocol for wireless mobile ad hoc networks , 2008, Secur. Commun. Networks.

[28]  Srdjan Capkun,et al.  Secure neighborhood discovery: a fundamental element for mobile ad hoc networking , 2008, IEEE Communications Magazine.

[29]  Sencun Zhu,et al.  SDAP: a secure hop-by-Hop data aggregation protocol for sensor networks , 2006, MobiHoc '06.

[30]  Sushil Jajodia,et al.  Efficient Distributed Detection of Node Replication Attacks in Sensor Networks , 2007, Twenty-Third Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2007).

[31]  Sencun Zhu,et al.  Sensor node compromise detection: the location perspective , 2007, IWCMC.

[32]  Hai Liu,et al.  A Distributed and Efficient Flooding Scheme Using 1-Hop Information in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks , 2007, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems.

[33]  Ness B. Shroff,et al.  Paradox of Shortest Path Routing for Large Multi-Hop Wireless Networks , 2007, IEEE INFOCOM 2007 - 26th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications.

[34]  Roberto Di Pietro,et al.  Robust RSA distributed signatures for large-scale long-lived ad hoc networks , 2007, J. Comput. Secur..

[35]  John S. Baras,et al.  A Robust, Distributed TGDH-based Scheme for Secure Group Communications in MANET , 2006, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Communications.

[36]  Sushil Jajodia,et al.  Attack-resilient hierarchical data aggregation in sensor networks , 2006, SASN '06.

[37]  Victor C. M. Leung,et al.  Secure Routing for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks , 2006 .

[38]  Srdjan Capkun,et al.  Secure positioning in wireless networks , 2006, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.

[39]  Brian Neil Levine,et al.  Detecting the Sybil Attack in Mobile Ad hoc Networks , 2006, 2006 Securecomm and Workshops.

[40]  Jorma T. Virtamo,et al.  Spatial node distribution of the random waypoint mobility model with applications , 2006, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.

[41]  Weisong Shi,et al.  Preserving source location privacy in monitoring-based wireless sensor networks , 2006, Proceedings 20th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium.

[42]  Ness B. Shroff,et al.  Delay and Capacity Trade-Offs in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: A Global Perspective , 2006, Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 2006. 25TH IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications.

[43]  Mingyan Liu,et al.  Self-monitoring of wireless sensor networks , 2006, Comput. Commun..

[44]  Yee Wei Law,et al.  Survey and benchmark of block ciphers for wireless sensor networks , 2006, TOSN.

[45]  Weisong Shi,et al.  Wireless Sensor Network Security: A Survey , 2006 .

[46]  Weisong Shi,et al.  Enforcing Cooperative Resource Sharing in Untrusted P2P Computing Environments , 2005, Mob. Networks Appl..

[47]  Heribert Baldus,et al.  A Deterministic Pairwise Key Pre-distribution Scheme for Mobile Sensor Networks , 2005, First International Conference on Security and Privacy for Emerging Areas in Communications Networks (SECURECOMM'05).

[48]  Radha Poovendran,et al.  SeRLoc: Robust localization for wireless sensor networks , 2005, TOSN.

[49]  Adrian Perrig,et al.  Distributed detection of node replication attacks in sensor networks , 2005, 2005 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P'05).

[50]  Jun Luo,et al.  Joint mobility and routing for lifetime elongation in wireless sensor networks , 2005, Proceedings IEEE 24th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies..

[51]  Srdjan Capkun,et al.  Secure positioning of wireless devices with application to sensor networks , 2005, Proceedings IEEE 24th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies..

[52]  Weisong Shi,et al.  PET: A PErsonalized Trust Model with Reputation and Risk Evaluation for P2P Resource Sharing , 2005, Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

[53]  Donggang Liu,et al.  Establishing pairwise keys in distributed sensor networks , 2005, TSEC.

[54]  Richard Han,et al.  Node Compromise in Sensor Networks: The Need for Secure Systems ; CU-CS-990-05 , 2005 .

[55]  Srinivasan Seshan,et al.  Synopsis diffusion for robust aggregation in sensor networks , 2004, SenSys '04.

[56]  Donggang Liu,et al.  Multilevel μTESLA: Broadcast authentication for distributed sensor networks , 2004, TECS.

[57]  John A. Stankovic,et al.  Security in wireless sensor networks , 2004, SASN '04.

[58]  Wade Trappe,et al.  Source-location privacy in energy-constrained sensor network routing , 2004, SASN '04.

[59]  David A. Wagner,et al.  Privacy and security in library RFID: issues, practices, and architectures , 2004, CCS '04.

[60]  David A. Wagner,et al.  Resilient aggregation in sensor networks , 2004, SASN '04.

[61]  Yongdae Kim,et al.  Revisiting random key pre-distribution schemes for wireless sensor networks , 2004, SASN '04.

[62]  Michael D. Smith,et al.  A public-key infrastructure for key distribution in TinyOS based on elliptic curve cryptography , 2004, 2004 First Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks, 2004. IEEE SECON 2004..

[63]  Andrea Vitaletti,et al.  Localized Techniques for Broadcasting in Wireless Sensor Networks , 2007, Algorithmica.

[64]  Bharat K. Bhargava,et al.  Visualization of wormholes in sensor networks , 2004, WiSe '04.

[65]  Feng Bao,et al.  Computing of trust in wireless networks , 2004, IEEE 60th Vehicular Technology Conference, 2004. VTC2004-Fall. 2004.

[66]  Robert H. Deng,et al.  Highly reliable trust establishment scheme in ad hoc networks , 2004, Comput. Networks.

[67]  Divyakant Agrawal,et al.  Medians and beyond: new aggregation techniques for sensor networks , 2004, SenSys '04.

[68]  Boaz Patt-Shamir A note on efficient aggregate queries in sensor networks , 2004, PODC '04.

[69]  Pradeep K. Khosla,et al.  SWATT: softWare-based attestation for embedded devices , 2004, IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2004. Proceedings. 2004.

[70]  A. Perrig,et al.  The Sybil attack in sensor networks: analysis & defenses , 2004, Third International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, 2004. IPSN 2004.

[71]  Alan D. George,et al.  Gossip-Style Failure Detection and Distributed Consensus for Scalable Heterogeneous Clusters , 2004, Cluster Computing.

[72]  Hans Eberle,et al.  Energy Analysis of Public-Key Cryptography on Small Wireless Devices , 2004 .

[73]  Anupam Joshi,et al.  Security in Sensor Networks , 2020, Texts in Computer Science.

[74]  David Evans,et al.  Using Directional Antennas to Prevent Wormhole Attacks , 2004, NDSS.

[75]  Ahmed Helmy,et al.  Poster abstract secure locations: routing on trust and isolating compromised sensors in location-aware sensor networks , 2003, SenSys '03.

[76]  James Newsome,et al.  GEM: Graph EMbedding for routing and data-centric storage in sensor networks without geographic information , 2003, SenSys '03.

[77]  Shouhuai Xu,et al.  Establishing pairwise keys for secure communication in ad hoc networks: a probabilistic approach , 2003, 11th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols, 2003. Proceedings..

[78]  Guevara Noubir,et al.  Secure multicast groups on ad hoc networks , 2003, SASN '03.

[79]  Srdjan Capkun,et al.  SECTOR: secure tracking of node encounters in multi-hop wireless networks , 2003, SASN '03.

[80]  Sencun Zhu,et al.  LEAP: efficient security mechanisms for large-scale distributed sensor networks , 2003, CCS '03.

[81]  David A. Wagner,et al.  Secure verification of location claims , 2003, WiSe '03.

[82]  Roberto Di Pietro,et al.  Security and privacy issues of handheld and wearable wireless devices , 2003, CACM.

[83]  Roberto Di Pietro,et al.  LKHW: a directed diffusion-based secure multicast scheme for wireless sensor networks , 2003, 2003 International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops, 2003. Proceedings..

[84]  Lui Sha,et al.  Real-time communication and coordination in embedded sensor networks , 2003, Proc. IEEE.

[85]  Mingyan Liu,et al.  Random waypoint considered harmful , 2003, IEEE INFOCOM 2003. Twenty-second Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37428).

[86]  Jan M. Rabaey,et al.  A study of low level vibrations as a power source for wireless sensor nodes , 2003, Comput. Commun..

[87]  C. Karlof,et al.  Secure routing in wireless sensor networks: attacks and countermeasures , 2003, Proceedings of the First IEEE International Workshop on Sensor Network Protocols and Applications, 2003..

[88]  Radha Poovendran,et al.  Energy-aware secure multicast communication in ad-hoc networks using geographic location information , 2003, 2003 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2003. Proceedings. (ICASSP '03)..

[89]  Donggang Liu,et al.  Efficient Distribution of Key Chain Commitments for Broadcast Authentication in Distributed Sensor Networks , 2002, NDSS.

[90]  Zheng Yan,et al.  Trust Evaluation Based Security Solution in Ad Hoc Networks , 2003 .

[91]  Nigel Davies,et al.  Preserving Privacy in Environments with Location-Based Applications , 2003, IEEE Pervasive Comput..

[92]  Peter Steenkiste,et al.  Protecting Access to People Location Information , 2003, SPC.

[93]  Wei Hong,et al.  Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation Tag: a Tiny Aggregation Service for Ad-hoc Sensor Networks , 2022 .

[94]  Naohiro Hayashibara,et al.  Failure detectors for large-scale distributed systems , 2002, 21st IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, 2002. Proceedings..

[95]  Asim Smailagic,et al.  Location sensing and privacy in a context-aware computing environment , 2002, IEEE Wirel. Commun..

[96]  J.A. Stankovic,et al.  Denial of Service in Sensor Networks , 2002, Computer.

[97]  Mingyan Liu,et al.  A distributed monitoring mechanism for wireless sensor networks , 2002, WiSE '02.

[98]  David Levin,et al.  Survivable mobile wireless networks: issues, challenges, and research directions , 2002, WiSE '02.

[99]  Tracy Camp,et al.  Comparison of broadcasting techniques for mobile ad hoc networks , 2002, MobiHoc '02.

[100]  Shigeki Goto,et al.  A new intrusion detection method based on process profiling , 2002, Proceedings 2002 Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT 2002).

[101]  Radha Poovendran,et al.  Secure Broadcast in Energy-Aware Wireless Sensor Networks , 2002 .

[102]  Haiyun Luo,et al.  Adaptive Security for Multi-layer Ad-hoc Networks , 2002 .

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