Editorial: STVR policy on extending conference papers to journal submissions

This issue presents three novel solutions to quite difficult problems. Stochastic modelling and simulation approaches to analysing enhanced fault tolerance on service-based software systems, by Kuan-Li Peng and Chin-Yu Huang, presents two approaches to improve the effectiveness of fault tolerant analysis. (Recommended by Min Xie.) Exhaustive test sets for algebraic specifications, by Marc Aiguier, Agnès Arnould, Pascale Le Gall, and Delphine Longuet, presents a way to generate test sets from formal specifications that are not only complete, but exhaustive. (Recommended by Lu Zhang.) Using combinatorial testing to build navigation graphs for dynamic web applications, Wenhua Wang, Sreedevi Sampath, Yu Lei, Raghu Kacker, Richard Kuhn, and James Lawrence, presents a new technique to address the very difficult problem of finding navigation structures within web applications. This is difficult because much of the navigation in web applications is not revealed unless the user enters specific input values. (Recommended by Jane Hayes.)