Remember that? A comparison of real-time versus retrospective recall of smoking lapses.

Research and treatment assessments often rely on retrospective recall of events. The accuracy of recall was tested using accounts of smoking lapse episodes from 127 participants who had quit smoking, and lapses and temptations were recorded in near-real time using a hand-held computer. These computer records were compared with retrospective accounts elicited 12 weeks later, with a focus on recall of lapses in 4 content domains: mood, activity, episode Triggers, and abstinence violation effects. Recall of lapses was quite poor: Average kappas for items ranged from 0.18 to 0.27. Mean profile rs assessing recall for the overall pattern of behavior were .36, .30, .33, and .44 for these domains, respectively. In recall, participants overestimated their negative affect and the number of cigarettes they had smoked during the lapse, and their recall was influenced by current smoking status. The findings suggest caution in the use of recall in research and intervention.