Biostratigraphy of Neoproterozoic strata based on invertebrate species from South America Adorno, R. R1,2; Do Carmo, D.A.1; Walde, Detlef, H.G.1; Denezine, M. L.C.1; Boggiani, P.C. 3; Sousa e Silva, S.C.1; Vasconcelos, J.R. 1; Tobias, T.C.1; Guimarães, E. M.1; Vieira L. C.1, Figueiredo, M. L.CF. F.4; Moraes, R.1; Caminha, S.A5. Suarez, P.A.Z.6; Pinho, D. 6 and Rodriguez, C.G.V. 1. University of Brasília -UnB. Institute of Geosciences 2. CPRM/SGB – Brazilian Geological Survey. 3. University of São Paulo. Institute of Geosciences. 4. PETROBRAS-CENPES-PDGEO/BPA – Research Center 5. Federal University of Mato Grosso State. Department of Geology 6. University of Brasília. Institute of Chemistry. ___________________________________________________________________________ It is proposed for discussion three biostratigraphic unities for Neoproterozoic strata in South America: Cloudina lucianoi/Corumbella werneri Interval Zone, Corumbella werneri Range Zone and Corumbella werneri/Cloudina lucianoi Interval Zone. These two species occur in the upper portion of Tamengo Formation, where ash beds levels with zircons dated as 543±3Ma. This absolute dating suggest that Cloudina lucianoi and Corumbella werneri in Tamengo Formation have, at least, 543±3Ma. As well as, in the Ediacaran of Paraguay, occurrences of Cloudina lucianoi and Corumbella werneri are recorded in Itapucumi Group, Tagatiya Guazú Formation (Warren et al., 2011; 2013).