Consensus statement on the definition of orthostatic hypotension, neurally mediated syncope and the postural tachycardia syndrome

Roy Freeman • Wouter Wieling • Felicia B. Axelrod • David G. Benditt • Eduardo Benarroch • Italo Biaggioni • William P. Cheshire • Thomas Chelimsky • Pietro Cortelli • Christopher H. Gibbons • David S. Goldstein • Roger Hainsworth • Max J. Hilz • Giris Jacob • Horacio Kaufmann • Jens Jordan • Lewis A. Lipsitz • Benjamin D. Levine • Phillip A. Low • Christopher Mathias • Satish R. Raj • David Robertson • Paola Sandroni • Irwin Schatz • Ron Schondorff • Julian M. Stewart • J. Gert van Dijk