Ecolab9, 7] is a model system of an ecology that attempts to understand evolutionary processes. It makes a particular assumption about the embryology, or genotype-phenotype map in order to generate the novel ecological interaction coeecients from the novel genotypes as they arise through mutation. The Eco-Tierra projectt7] examines this assumption using Tierra2] as a model ecosystem, which has an implicitly deened embryology. Ecolab9, 7] is a model system of an ecology that attempts to understand evolutionary processes. Ecolab's dynamics is taken to be a generalised form of the Lotka-Volterra equation, which is in fact the most general analytic two-term interaction model. _ n = r n + n n + mutate(; r; n): (1) Here n is the population density, the component n i being the number of individuals of species i, r is the diierence between reproduction and death, is the interaction matrix, with ij being the interaction between species i and j, and mutate is the mutation operator. is used to denote elementwise multiplication of two vectors. The mutation operator must generate new degrees of freedom i > n sp (where n sp is the number of species currently in the ecology), somehow deening the new 1
Thomas S. Ray,et al.
An Approach to the Synthesis of Life
Thomas S. Ray,et al.
An Evolutionary Approach to Synthetic Biology: Zen and the Art of Creating Life
Artificial Life.
Thomas S. Ray,et al.
Evolution, complexity, entropy and artificial reality
Christian M. Reidys,et al.
Evolutionary optimization of biopolymers and sequence structure maps
J. Fincham,et al.
At Home in the Universe: the Search for Laws of Complexity . By Stuart Kauffman. Viking 1995. viii + 321 pages. Hard cover. Price £20. ISBN 0 670 84735 6.
P. Schuster.
Landscapes and molecular evolution