Many authorities have urged companies to set up environmental scanning to assist corporate planning. Some advocates have recommended a unit at corporate level. This would give breadth of view and penetration into the future. It would arm decision makers with accurate forecasts. The information would be broad in scope and future directed. It could provide also assumptions for long-range planning. The Fahey and King study produced a model of corporate scanning types. The data showed that environmental information was built into the plan. Though the political environment was important, scanning was inadequate. The best location for scanning was not at corporate level and most firms used irregular methods. The Thomas study concluded that effective environmental scanning was permanent and multi level and that 'best practice' was continuous scanning. In 1978 the sample organizations were revisited. Five of the twelve have not changed their practice. The factors which encouraged a continuous model were the attitudes of academics and business media, demonstrated success of the units, the right kind of personnel. Contrary influences were changes in top management, decentralization moves, resource cuts, defining the environment and its significance, the availability of scanning competent personnel, surprise itself, and the availability of alternatives e.g. external forecasts.
R. Duncan.
Characteristics of Organizational Environments and Perceived Environmental Uncertainty.
W. Keegan.
Multinational Scanning: A Study of the Information Sources Utilized by Headquarters Executives in Multinational Companies.
William R. King,et al.
Environmental scanning for corporate planning
Philip Kotler,et al.
A design for the Firm's marketing nerve center
Jay R. Galbraith.
Designing Complex Organizations
James D. Thompson.
Organizations in Action
Franklin Neubauer,et al.
A managerial approach to environmental assessment
P. Thomas,et al.
Environmental analysis for corporate planning
F. Aguilar.
Scanning the business environment
P. Thomas,et al.
Environmental scanning— the state of the art
H. Ansoff,et al.
Managing Strategic Surprise by Response to Weak Signals
Tom R. Burns,et al.
The Management of Innovation.
E. Trist,et al.
The Causal Texture of Organizational Environments
W. Dill.
Environment as an Influence on Managerial Autonomy