중정형 공동주택(아파트)의 조망계획에 관한 연구
This is a phased study of the development of the quantification technique of right of view which is the basis of the view plan. The quantification technique is verified through the courtyard apartment and to derive the basic basis of optimal layout and view plan. Based on the self-developed evaluation method, the quantification was evaluated by calculating the measurement point by the quantification technique. As a result of the calculation, the lower floor is more advantageous for the view than the high floor due to the difference of the view distance and the view angle. It is also necessary to set the reference by weight. The quantification technique method enables intuitive evaluation of meaningful view objects. Considering the view only, it is advantageous to arrange a living room facing the courtyard where the view is planned. On the other hand, sunshine is much affected by the self-shadowing. Therefore, in the case of an unfavorable household, it is necessary to plan the windows and the space to bring sunshine from outside.