Analisis Eksistensi Sektor Pertanian terhadap Pengurangan Kemiskinan di Pedesaan dan Perkotaan

Indonesia has abundant natural resources, Gross Domestic Product Indonesia has entered 20 largest in the world, volume of national budget and expenditures and budget allocation for poverty eradication tend to rise, and even debt to development financial also rose sharply, but the number of poor difficult down. The purpose of study is to analyze the role of the agricultural sector on the poverty reduction in urban and urban areas in Indonesia. This study using two approaches analysis, which is descriptive and quantitative analysis. These study found that agricultural sector has important to reduce poverty in the rural than urban area. While in urban areas, industry sector has important to reduce poverty. Agricultural sector to remain a key and can as leading sector in reducing poverty, in the aggregate considering poverty largest located in urban areas. Government policy is expected to direct to a center where poverty are.