Project MIMYCS: a simulation model system for simulating mycotoxin contamination in maize grain in Europe

Mycotoxins are toxic compounds produced by fungi infecting crops starting from the field phase. Maize is one of the crops subjected to the most critical mycotoxin problems. The FP7 Marie Curie Project MIMYCS aims at the development of a simulation model system to simulate mycotoxin contamination in grain maize. MIMYCS is being implemented using the component-oriented paradigm both for model and utility components. It will be composed of three sub-models simulating maize, insect borers and fungi development. First results of the project include i) the development of a generic insect phenological model parameterized for the maize borers Ostrinia nubilalis and Sesamia nonagrioides , and applications under climate change scenarios; ii) the development of a biophysical model for the simulation of maize grain moisture during development and maturation. The sub-model simulating fungi development is under development.