The aim of the present study was to carry out a survey of the main difficulties found by the technicians of animal health defense in the establishment of beef cattle traceability, aiming to design indicators, suggest proposals to solve such difficulties and contribute to the formulation of national policies. A semi-structured qualitative questionnaire was designed containing 39 open and mixed multiple-choice questions sent to 125 veterinaries of the Latu sensu graduate course in Animal Health Defense of the Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA), Lavras, MG, Brazil. The data obtained were tabulated using EpiData® 3.1 software, with automatic control of data range and consistency, and afterward analyzed by means of descriptive and inductive statistics, using the statistical program PASW (Predictive Analytics SoftWare) version 18.0. The chief difficulties found by the techniques were concerned directly with the frequent changes in the legislation (97.6%), the lack of understanding of the norms (86.9%), and of the spread of traceability (62.8%). Among the advantages of identification and animal traceability mentioned by technicians include increasing knowledge of the quantity of livestock (97.5%), the opening and maintenance of current consumer markets (95.0%), and the control and supervision of the transit of animals (93.3%). Traceability, despite being a demand, above all of the importing consuming market, is still under evolution. Both the qualification and awareness of the raisers in relation to traceability are required.
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Gerenciamento de cadeias de suprimento: novas formas de organização na cadeia da carne bovina do Rio Grande do Sul
T. Schroeder,et al.
International cattle ID and traceability: Competitive implications for the US
D. Pendell,et al.
REVIEW: Identification and Traceability of Cattle in Selected Countries Outside of North America
A. C. Gil.
Métodos e técnicas de pesquisa social
Decio Zylbersztajn,et al.
Competitiveness of meat agri‐food chain in Brazil
O impacto financeiro da rastreabilidade em sistemas de produção de bovinos no Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil