The high resolution stereo camera (HRSC): acquisition of multi-spectral 3D-data and photogrammetric processing

At the Institute of Space Sensor Technology and Planetary Exploration of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) has been designed for international missions to planet Mars. For more than three years an airborne version of this camera, the HRSC-A, has been successfully applied in many flight campaigns and in a variety of different applications. It combines 3D-capabilities and high resolution with multispectral data acquisition. Variable resolutions depending on the camera control settings can be generated. A high-end GPS/INS system in combination with the multi-angle image information yields precise and high-frequent orientation data for the acquired image lines. In order to handle these data a completely automated photogrammetric processing system has been developed, and allows to generate multispectral 3D-image products for large areas and with accuracies for planimetry and height in the decimeter range. This accuracy has been confirmed by detailed investigations.