Experiment data report for Semiscale Mod-3 blowdown heat transfer test S-07-2 (baseline test series). [PWR]

Recorded test data are presented for Test S-07-2 of the Semiscale Mod-3 baseline test series. This test is one of several Semiscale Mod-3 experiments conducted to investigate the thermal and hydraulic phenomena accompanying a hypothesized loss-of-coolant accident in a pressurized water reactor (PWR) system. Test S-07-2 was conducted from initial conditions of 15.1 MPa and 558 K to investigate the response of the Semiscale Mod-3 system to a blowdown transient following a simulated double-ended offset shear of the broken loop cold leg piping. The specific objectives of this test were to assess the effect of radial power peaking on core thermal-hydraulic behavior and to evaluate the effect of emergency core coolant (ECC) subcooling on downcomer penetration characteristics in the Mod-3 system. During the test, cooling water was injected into the cold leg of the intact and broken loops to simulate ECC injection in a PWR.