Reactions to "1985 to 1995: The Next Decade in Academic Librarianship," Parts I and II

Veaner, rightly, I believe, begins his paper with a "cautions" section and reminds readers, "Modern life is a perpetual ferment of paradox and contradiction'' (p.4). He further reminds us that though most prophecies end up somewhat off the mark, it is often possible to forward reasonable approximations of short-term futures. I commend Veaner' s broad-ranging paper for the many facets of today' s roiling academic and technological environment that he attempts to settle as he relates them to changes in academic librarianship in the decade ahead. I believe he forecasts a probable and desirable future. His analysis deserves broad distribution and reasoned response. As but one reader, I have found very much in his paper about which to comment; however, I will limit my response to but two areas that he has addressed. The first is that of new or alternative administrative structures for academic library management, and the second is education for academic librarian ship.