A high-level framework for network-based resource sharing

This paper proposes a high-level, application-independent framework for the construction of distributed systems within a resource sharing computer network. The framework generalizes design techniques in use within the ARPA Computer Network. It eliminates the need for application-specific communication protocols and support software, thus easing the task of the applications programmer and so encouraging the sharing of resources. The framework consists of a network-wide protocol for invoking arbitrary named functions in a remote process, and machine-dependent system software that interfaces one applications program to another via the protocol. The protocol provides mechanisms for supplying arguments to remote functions and for retrieving their results; it also defines a small number of standard data types from which all arguments and results must be modeled. The paper further proposes that remote functions be thought of as remotely callable subroutines or procedures. This model would enable the framework to more gracefully extend the local programming environment to embrace modules on other machines.