Dissecting the pelvic retroperitoneum and identifying the ureters. A laparoscopic technique.

A technique for dissecting the pelvic retroperitoneum and identifying the ureters and uterine arteries is described that makes use of the obliterated hypogastric arteries. The obliterated arteries are readily identified laparoscopically and, as relatively fixed structures, are easily dissected free of the bladder and surrounding areolar tissues. Once freed by blunt dissection, they are traced proximally to where they are joined by the uterine arteries to form the internal iliac arteries. Blunt dissection just proximal and medial to the uterine artery will open the pararectal space, the medial border of which is bounded by the ureter. The uterine arteries are then traced to where they cross the ureters and are freed from them by blunt dissection. The site at which the uterine arteries are divided and the extent to which the extraperitoneal spaces are developed and ureters mobilized off the medial leaf of the broad ligament are tailored to the operation performed.