The Most Efficient Tile Size in Tile-Based Cylinder Panoramic Video Coding and its Selection Under Restriction of Bandwidth

Cylinder panoramic videos are a 360deg representation in horizontal of a certain scene. The users can navigate interactively through the scene and change their view angels. Because of large field of view, panoramic videos are often high-resolution and consume a significant amount of bandwidth for transmission. To resolve the problem, tile-based panoramic video coding and transmission is applied in some systems. With tile-based panoramic video coding and transmission, the panorama is divided into tiles and only the tiles involved with perspective view are transmitted and decoded. In the tile-based video coding, the selection of tile size is a problem. Different tile sizes will bring different quality of perspective view with the same bandwidth. In this paper, we proposed a method to select the most efficient tile size. With this method, the most efficient tile size could be fast selected and users can build the best quality perspective view from cylinder panoramic videos with the given bandwidth.