IoTSAS: An Integrated System for Real-Time Semantic Annotation and Interpretation of IoT Sensor Stream Data
Sensors and other Internet of Things (IoT) technologies are increasingly finding application in various fields, such as air quality monitoring, weather alerts monitoring, water quality monitoring, healthcare monitoring, etc. IoT sensors continuously generate large volumes of observed stream data; therefore, processing requires a special approach. Extracting the contextual information essential for situational knowledge from sensor stream data is very difficult, especially when processing and interpretation of these data are required in real time. This paper focuses on processing and interpreting sensor stream data in real time by integrating different semantic annotations. In this context, a system named IoT Semantic Annotations System (IoTSAS) is developed. Furthermore, the performance of the IoTSAS System is presented by testing air quality and weather alerts monitoring IoT domains by extending the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards and the Sensor Observations Service (SOS) standards, respectively. The developed system provides information in real time to citizens about the health implications from air pollution and weather conditions, e.g., blizzard, flurry, etc.