Since the beginning the management of the Sodium Fast Reactor ASTRID 600 project was organized around a strong involvement of industrial partners in the reactor design. Since 2014, a partnership with Japanese nuclear institutes and industries is effective on two main items ASTRID reactor design studies and RandD in support of Sodium Fast Reactors (SFR). This French-Japanese collaboration on ASTRID Program and Sodium Fast Reactor has been set up in two steps the signature of a General Arrangement between CEA and the representatives of MEXT and METI on May 5th, 2014; in a second step, an Implementing Arrangement was signed the same year on August 7th by CEA, AREVA NP, JAEA, MHI and MFBR.This collaboration of a significant level is foreseen to run at least up to the end of 2019. At the beginning, the collaborative work (input data, planning and deliverables) was divided in 29 Task Sheets covering ASTRID design (3 Task Sheets) and RandD (26 Tasks Sheets). Since 2016, the contribution of JAEA/MHI MFBR to the ASTRID reactor engineering studies has increased, passing from 3 to 11 Design Task Sheets. Thus, the cooperation between CEA, AREVA NP, JAEA, MHI-MFBR is fruitful and it has been planned by all parties to enlarge Japanese contribution to a process called Joint Evaluation to prepare a future Joint Design.This paper aims at the overview of involvement of JAEA/MHI MFBR in the ASTRID design studies through these Task Sheets, covering in particular the design of an active decay heat removal system and of a passive reactor shutdown system based on a Curie point electromagnet system. MHI / MFBR teams are also implied in fabricability studies of complex components, such as the Above Core Structure or the Polar Table. In addition, new Task Sheets are now focusing on thermal-hydraulic and thermomechanical studies related to the primary vessel.Japan's contribution to ASTRID program is important. Except CEA (which acts as the industrial architect of the project), JAEA-MHI-MFBR became in 2015 the 2nd largest contributor to the ASTRID program - behind FRAMATOME - in terms of involved staff and financial contribution. It means that ASTRID project has to adapt its project management to integer this important partnership. The related innovative project organization is presented too.