Evaluation of problem solving strategies (Problem çözme stratejilerinin değerlendirilmesi)

The main goal of this research study is to evaluate problem solving strategies of experts and novices by using a web-based concept mapping technology. Mathematics domain is chosen for this study. Mainly, the study, evaluation of problem solving strategies, aims to assess how individuals develop problems solutions through reasoning and using different strategies. The subject will explain what they understand from a complex problem scenario and how they solve the problem by using concept mapping and written declarations. Data gathered from two different groups, experts and novices, will be compared each other to investigate similar and diverse problem solving strategies. There are three dimensions of these evaluation: (1) analyzing, comparing and investigating similar and diverse problem solving strategies of individuals within a group; (2) comparing different strategies of two groups that have two various levels of expertise and analyzing these compared strategies in terms of learning outcomes and performance evaluation; (3) analyzing mental models of individuals and groups to investigate the changes of progress over time.