Third-order optical nonlinearities of sol-gel silica coating films containing J-like aggregates of a cyanine dye, NK-1967

The third-order optical nonlinearities and responses of sol-gel silica coating films containing J-like aggregates of a cyanine dye, NK-1967, were measured by the femtosecond degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) technique under resonant conditions. While NK-1967 in aqueous solution showed an absorption maximum at 742 nm, J-like aggregates of NK-1967 in sol-gel silica coating films showed that at 877 nm. Though the sol-gel silica coating films were stable at room temperature, they began to decompose after 10 minute irradiation at a laser power of 5 GW / cm2. The temporal profiles of the DFWM signal were measured with a time resolution of 0.3 ps, and were found to be almost same as that of CCl4, i.e., the coherent instantaneous nonlinear response was dominant. The contribution of slow response with decay time constants of ca. 1 ps was very small. The electronic component of the effective third-order optical nonlinear susceptibility of one of the films had a value of ca. 2.0 x 10-8 esu at 850 nm. The present value for the sol-gel silica coating film containing the J-like aggregates of NK-1967 is four orders of magnitude greater than that of CS2.

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