Proceedings of the 2007 international conference on Wireless communications and mobile computing

On behalf of the Technical Program Committee, I welcome you all to the ACM International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (ACM IWCMC 2007) in Turtle Bay Resort, Honolulu, Hawaii! I'm delighted that this year's ACM IWCMC accomplishes its goal under our conference theme "The Future is Now---The New Era of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing and Networking Technologies" and continues its tradition of providing the premier forum for presentation of research results and experience reporting on the cutting edge research in the general areas of the wireless communications and mobile computing. This year, we received about 300 submissions from 32 countries. All papers received rigorous peer reviews from our Technical Program Committee (TPC), comprised of 41 Symposia Chairs/Co-Chairs and a total of 200 TPC members from academia, government laboratories, and industries. We also invited more than 470 external expert reviewers from all over the world. After carefully examining all the received review reports, the ACM IWCMC 2007 TPC finally selected 119 high-quality papers for presentation at the conference and publication in ACM IWCMC 2007 proceedings. The accepted papers come from United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, Australia, Taiwan, Korea, China, India, Japan, Portugal, Finland, Egypt, France, Ireland, Pakistan, Spain, Brazil, Italy, Iran, Norway, Sweden, Chile, Singapore, and the United States. The conference program starts each day with a keynote speaker given by the world-class leaders in the areas -- Dr. Robert E. Kahn, Professor Vijay K. Bhargava, Professor Aggelos K. Katsaggelos, highlighting the latest research trends in the wireless communications, mobile computing, and networks. A total of 27 technical sessions, organized in three parallel tracks, from the core of the technical program. This year, the technical sessions reflect the continued and growing interests in a wide range of spectrum, including wireless communications and networks, cross-layer design and optimization, mobile computing, wireless sensor networks, network security, information theory and applications.