JBWM-μP learner — An ICT based initiative for μP learning

The artistry and science of teaching-learning curriculum in classroom based lectures and tutorials have been reinforced by contemporary interactive Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tool since its very inception. Engineering disciplines also inducted ICT based modules to fortify conceptual and problematical subjects in the very dawn of this century. These tools are seemingly intelligent to administer maximum interactions from the learners' perspective and the throughput is that the learners' cater greater interest in the subject and deeply comprehend the lessons. Few tools now subsist and are updated periodically to enhance the cognitive learning of the engineering apprentices. Yet there persists ample dearth in this vicinity. Here the authors prototyped a hands-on interactive plug and play mode personalized orientation assistant learning tool for rich and enhanced microprocessor learning. The niche of the tool is to grasp the features and applicability of microprocessor chips in designing future microcontrollers to meet the current needs. Primarily the authors elaborate only the functioning of the tool; its design vista and operational maneuver.