Evaluation ofThermalCharacteristics ofBoard-level HighPerformance Flip-chip Package Equipped withVaporChamberasHeatSpreader
totheelectronic products haslong beenexercised. Ingeneral, Thermal analysis wasperformed inthis worktocompareVC isattached tothebaseoftheheatsinkanditssizeis thethermal performance ofaboard-level highperformance several timeslarger thanthepackage. Tobemorecompact flip-chip ball gridarray package equipped withsolid Cuor andcosteffective, thesize ofVC could bemademoreorless vaporchamber (VC)astheheatspreader andAl-filler gelor close tothat ofthepackage. Insolder asthethermal interface material (TIM). Theeffect of different heatsource sizes wasalsoexamined. Numerical Condenser results indicate thatfortheparticular test vehicle undera (Heat sink) powerdissipation of160W,thethermal performance is remarkably enhanced byswitching TIMfromAl-filler gelto Insolder while theenhancement byusing VC instead ofsolid Cu heatspreader isonlyobservable whenInsolder is incorporated. Moreover, theperformance ofVC gradually Cu enhances thenretards astheheat sourcesize decreases. The