A Study on the Environment for Internet Application System Development based on Component

Since the 1990's, a number of ULF geomagnetic disturbance associated with earthquake occurrences have actively been reported, and polarization analysis of geomagnetic fields becomes one of potential candidates to be capable of predicting short-term earthquake. This study develops the modified polarization analysis method based on the previous studies, and analyzes three-component geomagnetic fields obtained at Cheongyang geomagnetic observatory using the developed method. A daily polarization value (the ratio of spectral power of horizontal and vertical geomagnetic field) is calculated with a focus on the 0.01 Hz band, which is known to be the most sensitive to seismogenic ULF radiation. We analyze a total of 10 months of geomagnetic data obtained at Cheongyang observatory, and compare the polarization values with the Kp index and the earthquake occurred in the analysis period. The results show that there is little correlation between the temporal variations of polarization values and Kp index, but remarkable increases in polarization values are identified which are associated with two earthquakes. Comparison the polarization values obtained at Cheongyang and Kanoya observatory indicates that the increases of polarization values at Cheongyang might be due to not global geomagnetic induction but the locally occurred earthquakes. Furthermore, these features are clearly shown in normalize ?A Study on the Environment for Internet Application System Development based on Component | Korea Science window.fbAsyncInit = function() { FB.init({appId: '144776682301842', status: true, cookie: true, xfbml: true}); }; (function() { var e = document.createElement('script'); e.type = 'text/javascript'; e.src = document.location.protocol+'//connect.facebook.net/ko_KR/all.js'; e.async = true; }()); function showUserInfo(id) { FB.api({ method: 'fql.query', query: 'SELECT name, pic_square FROM user WHERE uid='+id },function(response){ document.getElementById('userInfo').innerHTML += ' ' + response[0].name; }); } function dial() { FB.ui({ method: 'feed', name: document.title, link: document.URL, picture: 'http://www.koreascience.or.kr/img/main_logo.gif', caption: '?A Study on the Environment for Internet Application System Development based on Component', description: 'Title & Authors : ?A Study on the Environment for Internet Application System Development based on Component Kim, Haeng-Gon;Choe, Ha-Jeong; | ', message: 'Facebook Dialogs are easy!' },function(response) { if (response && response.post_id) { //alert('Post was published.'); } else { //alert('Post was not published.'); } }); } function display_div(){ document.getElementById("cited_text_by").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("cited_text_by_crossref").style.display="none"; } function cited_by(){ if(document.getElementById("cited_text_by").style.display=="none"){ document.getElementById("cited_text_by").style.display=""; }else{ document.getElementById("cited_text_by").style.display="none"; } } function cited_by_crossref(){ if(document.getElementById("cited_text_by_crossref").style.display=="none"){ document.getElementById("cited_text_by_crossref").style.display=""; }else{ document.getElementById("cited_text_by_crossref").style.display="none"; } } function pdf_view(url,koi,cn){ window.open("ArticleFull_pdf.jsp?url="+url+'k return; } function goPdf(){ //url = 'http://ocean.kisti.re.kr/downfile/volume/kips/JBCRH@/2000/v3n1/JBCRH@_2000_v3n1_52.pdf' //url = "http://click.ndsl.kr/servlet/OpenAPIFullTextView?cn=JAKO200027543199576|dbt=NART|keyValue=03711426"; var form = document.goPdf_form; form.target="goPdf_target"; //window.open("/search/articlepdf_ocean_new.jsp?url="+url+"a window.open("","goPdf_target"); form.action="/search/articlepdf_ocean.jsp?admNo=JBCRH@_2000_v3n1_52"; form.submit(); return; } function goOutside(url){ //if(confirm("You need a subscription to view full-text of this article.")){ window.open("http://"+url); //} return; } $(function(){ $(".skip_navi a").focus(function(){ $(".skip_navi a").removeClass("on"); $(this).addClass("on");}); $(".skip_navi a").blur(function(){ $(".skip_navi a").removeClass("on");}); }); Go to the main menu Skip to content Go to bottom REFERENCE LINKING PLATFORM OF KOREA ST Choe, Ha-Jeong;  Keywords  Language Korean  Cited by  References 1. 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