Beyond Six Feet: A Guideline to Limit Indoor Airborne Transmission of COVID-19

The revival of the global economy is being predicated on the Six-Foot Rule, a guideline that offers little protection from pathogen-bearing droplets sufficiently small to be continuously mixed through an indoor space. The importance of indoor, airborne transmission of COVID-19 is now widely recognized; nevertheless, no quantitative measures have been proposed to protect against it. In this article, we build upon models of airborne disease transmission in order to derive a safety guideline that would impose a precise upper bound on the cumulative exposure time, the product of the number of occupants and their time in an enclosed space. We demonstrate the manner in which this bound depends on the ventilation rate and dimensions of the room; the breathing rate, respiratory activity and face-mask use of its occupants; and the infectiousness of the respiratory aerosols, a disease-specific parameter that we estimate from available data. Case studies are presented, implications for contact tracing considered, and appropriate caveats enumerated.

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