We present a learning outcomes framework for an Information Systems (IS) undergraduate program. This framework includes a supporting software application that goes beyond any other attempt reported to date to integrate learning outcomes into program-wide and course-wide curriculum development, ongoing curriculum redesign, and student learning support. The Learning Outcomes Management System (LOMS) described here is a first-of-a-kind information system created as part of implementing a program-wide learning outcomes framework in a university setting. Our learning outcomes framework is distinct in that 1) it is based on a three-level hierarchically structured definition of learning outcomes that consistently apply to both the entire IS program as well as to each individual IS course; 2) customization for specific courses is easily done without requiring the drafting of new learning outcomes; 3) the dean’s office and faculty use the learning outcomes framework to design, monitor, and revise both the entire IS curriculum as well as each individual course on an ongoing basis; 4) when students assess their own capabilities against our school’s learning outcomes, it is done on a more global basis (versus a course specific basis), based on what students have done in their IS coursework, in their business, social science, and liberal arts coursework, as well as in their internships and extra-curricular activities; and 5) we incorporate the framework into a school-wide information system, LOMS, which has an application and supporting interface customized for faculty’s needs, students’ needs, and employers’ needs.
Gordon B. Davis,et al.
IS '97: model curriculum and guidelines for undergraduate degree programs in information systems
IS '97.
Gordon B. Davis,et al.
Model Curriculum and Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree Programs in Information Systems
Laura Filipp.
Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reports, 2001: Maryland Public Colleges and Universities.
P. Jackson,et al.
e-Business Fundamentals
Olga Petkova,et al.
Toward Assessment of Information Systems Programs: Evaluating Learning Outcomes in Systems Analysis and Design Courses
Laura Filipp.
Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Reports, 2004.
Linda Heiland,et al.
The Learning Outcomes Project: Not Business as Usual
Paul S. Goodman,et al.
Organizational Learning Contracts and Management Education