Testing Static Random Access Memories: Defects, Fault Models and Test Patterns

Preface. Acknowledgements. Symbols and notations. I: Introductory. 1. Introduction. 1.1. Test philosophy. 1.2. Memory technology. 1.3. Modeling amd testing faults in SRAMs. 2. Semiconductor memory architecture. 2.1. Memory models. 2.2. External memory behavior. 2.3. Functional memory behavior. 2.4. Electrical memory behavior. 2.5. Memory process technology. 3. Space of memory faults. 3.1. Concept of fault primitive. 3.2. Classification of fault primitives. 3.3. Single-port faults. 3.4. Two-port fault primitives. 4. Preparation for circuit simulation. 4.1. Selected multi-port SRAM cell. 4.2. Modeling of spot defects. 4.3. Definition and location of opens. 4.4. Definition and location of shorts. 4.5. Definition and location of bridges. 4.6. Simulation model. 4.7. Simulation methodology. 4.8. Simulation results for the fault free case. II: Testing single-port and two-port SRAMs. 5. Experimental analysis of two-port SRAMs. 5.1. The to-be simulated spot defects. 5.2. Simulation results. 5.3. Realistic fault models. 5.4. Fault probability analysis. 6. Tests for single-port and two-port SRAMs. 6.1. Notation for march tests. 6.2. Tests for single-port faults. 6.3. Conditions for detecting two-port faults. 6.4. Tests for two-port faults. 6.5. Comparison with other tests. 6.6. Test strategy. 6.7. Test results versus fault probabilities. 7. Testing restricted two-port SRAMs. 7.1. Classification of two-port memories. 7.2. Realistic faults for 2P memories. 7.3. Tests for restricted two-port memories. 7.4. Test strategy for restricted two-port memories. III: Testing p-port SRAMs. 8. Experimental analysis of p-port SRAMs. 8.1. The to-be simulated spot defects. 8.2. Simulation results. 8.3. Realistic fault models for three-port memories. 8.4. Fault probabilities analysis. 8.5. Realistic fault models for p-port memories. 9. Tests for p-port SRAMs. 9.1. Conditions for detecting p-port faults. 9.2. Tests for p-port faults. 9.3. Test strategy. 10. Testing restricted p-port SRAMs. 10.1. Classification of p-port memories. 10.2.Realistic faults for restricted p-port memories. 10.3. Tests for restricted p-port memories. 10.4. Test strategy for restricted p-port memories. 11. Trends in embedded memory testing. 11.1. Introduction. 11.2. Fault modeling. 11.3. Test algorithm design. 11.4. Built-in-self test (BIST). 11.5. Built-in-self repair (BISR). 11.6. Putting all together. Bibliography. A: Simulation results for two-port SRAMs. A.1. Simulation results for opens. A.2. Simulation results for shorts. A.3. Simulation results for bridges. B: Simulation results for three-port SRAMs. B.1. Simulation results for opens and shorts. B.2. Simulation results f