The Preventive Cardiology Center at the University of California, San Diego, was designed to conduct training, service activities, and research related to behavioral modification of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. A primary aim is to train medical students and other health care professionals in the application of scientifically established methods of behavior change. This training takes place in the context of a behavior-change program for patients with CVD risk factors. Participants at increased risk for CVD and their families are recruited to the Preventive Cardiology Center. A comprehensive assessment of physiological and behavioral risk factors leads to the development of dietary and/or exercise behavior-change targets. A five-session group intervention instructs participants how to change health behaviors. Behavioral techniques included in the program include self-monitoring, goal-setting, social support, self-reward, self-talk, and problem solving. Students and others are trained through readings, videotapes, and coleading of intervention groups.